liquid facelift

What Is A Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift offers a minimally invasive alternative for both women and men to enjoy the advantages of a surgical facelift without undergoing a major cosmetic procedure. The liquid facelift treatment at Rao Plastic Surgery involves the use of a specially formulated blend of wrinkle relaxers and fillers designed to restore volume and smoothness to the treated area, resulting in a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. Injectable dermal fillers add volume to the face and reduce fine lines, while wrinkle relaxers create overall facial harmony. For those seeking more dramatic results, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arun Rao can incorporate additional treatments like chemical peels or medical-grade facials into your liquid facelift plan. To learn more, please contact our Tucson, AZ practice and inquire about our effective nonsurgical services.

Who Is A Candidate For A Liquid Facelift?

Ideal candidates for liquid facelifts are individuals, both men and women, who desire to reduce visible signs of aging and enhance facial volume without the recovery time associated with aesthetic surgery. Liquid facelifts are an excellent choice for Tucson, AZ residents looking to address skin irregularities, soften and lift facial features, or fill in bumps and pits. At Rao Plastic Surgery, a liquid facelift can plump hollow cheeks or temples and reduce the appearance of dark circles or under-eye bags. This treatment is also suitable for those seeking rapid results.
Woman Smiling after Liquid Facelift

What Are The Benefits Of A Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift at Rao Plastic Surgery offers numerous advantages. This advanced treatment is significantly less invasive than a traditional facelift, requiring no incisions or scarring. Results are subtler and more natural-looking compared to surgical procedures. Moreover, the combination of wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers can be customized to meet your specific needs and goals, making it an incredibly versatile option. Our expertise in injectable treatments ensures that you can trust us to deliver exceptional results.

How Long Is Recovery After A Liquid Facelift?

The fillers and wrinkle relaxers we use at our Tucson, AZ practice are FDA-approved and considered safe for use. Fillers typically show immediate effects, whereas BOTOX might take around four or more days for optimal results. If you’re considering additional aesthetic treatments, it’s advisable to wait a few days after the injections. The duration of your results varies based on the specific fillers and BOTOX used; some may last three months, while others could last longer. Patients usually return to Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery for subsequent treatments to sustain their youthful and refreshed appearance.

What To Expect During A Liquid Facelift

Before your treatment, Dr. Rao considers your aesthetic goals to determine the unique combination of injectables necessary for achieving your desired results. The injection process for both BOTOX and fillers starts by identifying the sites where injections will occur. The treatment area is then cleansed, and a topical anesthetic cream might be applied to the injection sites. Dr. Rao uses a fine dermal needle and syringe to inject the marked areas with fillers and BOTOX. This liquid facelift procedure typically takes place in-office and is completed within minutes.

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Commonly Asked Questions About A Liquid Facelift

How much does a liquid facelift cost?

The total cost of your liquid facelift treatment will depend on the choice of injectables needed to achieve your goals. After discussing your concerns and objectives with our team, a personalized treatment plan will be developed, allowing us to provide an accurate estimate of your out-of-pocket expenses.

How do I know which brands of injectables are right for me?

Different brands or formulations of dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers may be more suitable for specific facial areas or desired outcomes. Varying concentrations within each brand of injectables can also produce different results. During your one-on-one consultation, Dr. Rao or a member of his team will evaluate your skin, listen to your concerns and goals, and determine the best injectables to achieve your desired look.

What is the difference between a dermal filler and wrinkle relaxer?

Dermal fillers add volume to facial areas like the lips or cheeks, while wrinkle relaxers (such as BOTOX and Dysport) temporarily freeze the facial muscles responsible for wrinkles. Dermal fillers effectively address dynamic wrinkles and folds, such as those around the mouth and eyes, while wrinkle relaxers target lines that form between the brows.

Get Youthful Results

This innovative treatment is an outstanding alternative to traditional facelift surgery, delivering impressive results. Whether you’re seeking enhanced facial volume or a smoother appearance, a liquid facelift may be an ideal choice. This straightforward procedure offers beautiful outcomes without the downtime associated with surgery. Dr. Rao customizes each treatment plan by combining relaxers and fillers to cater to the unique needs and desires of every patient. If you have any inquiries or wish to explore further, reach out to our Tucson, AZ practice to schedule a consultation and achieve the results you desire.
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