facial fat grafting

Revitalize Your Beauty and Confidence with Facial Fat Grafting at Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery

At Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ, we understand that regaining your confidence often involves rejuvenating your appearance. One of the most promising approaches to achieve natural enhancements and long-lasting benefits is autologous fat transfer. This innovative method utilizes your body’s own fat cells to address volume loss, a common issue associated with aging or weight loss. Areas like the eyes, jawline, and cheeks often show noticeable signs of volume loss and aging. Autologous fat transfer to the face effectively combats these issues, smoothing fine lines, wrinkles, and folds with your own transferred fat cells. By using liposuction to remove excess fat from your body, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Arun Rao, skillfully places the fat in the areas of your face that need enhancement, resulting in beautiful and enduring outcomes. With autologous fat transfer, patients not only enjoy a refreshed facial appearance but also benefit from a slimmer, more contoured body. To discover more about facial fat grafting, we invite you to contact Rao Plastic Surgery and schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Rao.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial fat grafting is an excellent option for individuals looking to address wrinkles, including laugh lines, Crow’s feet, and smile lines. It can also effectively minimize the appearance of pitted areas and scars. Additionally, you can add volume to your lips and cheeks, achieving a more youthful and balanced look. If you desire results that last longer than those achieved with dermal fillers like JUVÉDERM® or Restylane®, fat transfer may be the ideal choice.

Ideal candidates for fat grafting should:

Be in good overall health
Have sufficient excess fat for their goals
Maintain realistic expectations regarding their results
Desire natural volume enhancement in areas such as the cheeks, lips, or forehead

Advantages of Facial Fat Grafting

While dermal filler injections are popular worldwide for facial rejuvenation, facial fat grafting in Tucson, AZ offers a host of unique benefits, including:

Use of Your Body’s Natural Fat: Unlike synthetic fillers, facial fat grafting utilizes your natural fat, minimizing the need for formulated products.

Enhanced Volume: This technique adds volume to areas like the lips and cheeks, effectively rejuvenating your facial appearance.

Smoothing of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Fat transfer helps diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and facial folds.

Improved Scar Visibility: Facial fat grafting can minimize the visibility of scars, creating a smoother, more flawless complexion.

Skin Firmness and Volume: In addition to improving volume, fat transfer enhances skin firmness, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Reduced Risk of Allergic Reactions: Since autologous fat transfer uses your body’s own fat cells, the risk of allergic reactions is significantly lower.

Long-Lasting Results: Fat grafting provides results that can endure for years, requiring fewer touch-ups compared to dermal fillers.

How Is Facial Fat Grafting Performed?

Facial fat transfer is a two-step surgical process involving liposuction to harvest fat and the injection of purified fat using a syringe. As only a small amount of fat is required, Dr. Rao may use local or twilight anesthesia. The procedure begins with liposuction, during which fat is removed from an unwanted area, typically the hips, flanks, or abdomen. The harvested fat is then purified and prepared for injection. Dr. Rao employs various injection techniques and angles to ensure optimal fat absorption into your skin and to create symmetry. Depending on your individualized treatment plan, fat may be transferred to areas like your cheeks, lips, and/or beneath your eyes to add volume and correct fine lines, wrinkles, and facial depressions.

What to Expect After Facial Fat Grafting

Following your facial fat transfer procedure, your incisions will be sutured and cleaned before you are sent to a recovery area. Dr. Rao or a member of our team will apply dressings and compression garments and monitor your progress until you are ready to go home with a responsible adult. Pre-operative instructions will prepare you for the recovery process, and you will be advised on what to expect after the procedure. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled at Rao Plastic Surgery for Dr. Rao to assess your recovery and progress. The duration of your recovery will vary depending on the amount of fat removed and transferred. In general, you should plan to rest and heal for a few weeks. Immediately after the procedure, you may experience soreness, bruising, and swelling at the liposuction and transfer sites. While you may notice some improvements in your appearance right away, it will take several weeks to see your final results. A portion of the fat will be reabsorbed by your body, but of the fat that takes, those results will be long lasting.

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Commonly Asked Questions About Facial Fat Grafting

How much does facial fat grafting cost?

The cost of facial fat grafting varies depending on the amount of volume being added, which is determined during your assessment with Dr. Rao. After creating a customized treatment plan, including any facility and anesthesia fees, Dr. Rao can provide an estimate of your total costs. Rao Plastic Surgery offers various payment options, including low-interest financing,

Should I get a dermal filler or fat transfer?

The ideal technique depends on your Both facial fat transfer and dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane can effectively enhance the appearance of lines and wrinkles while adding facial volume. While dermal fillers can provide impressive results, a fat graft to the face often delivers a more natural look and tends to last longer. To help you determine the desired amount of added fat and its placement, Dr. Rao may recommend starting with dermal fillers. This allows you to visualize and fine-tune your preferences. Once you have a clear idea of your aesthetic goals, Dr. Rao can proceed with a facial fat graft, offering results that endure for years rather than months. This personalized approach ensures that your final outcome aligns seamlessly with your expectations.needs, goals, skin laxity, areas to be addressed, and other factors. During your consultation, Dr. Rao will discuss the various techniques and help you choose the one that suits your specific needs."
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