
Reclaim Your Confidence with Facelift Surgery at Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery

Rao Plastic Surgery, located in Tucson, AZ, is home to Dr. Arun Rao, a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers a comprehensive range of facial surgical procedures. Among these transformative treatments, the facelift stands out as one of the most sought-after procedures. This surgery focuses on specific facial areas to address loose skin, resulting in a more taut and naturally refreshed appearance. The facelift procedure can be tailored to your unique concerns and desired outcomes, whether it’s addressing signs of aging near the eyes, rejuvenating the cheeks and mid-face, or enhancing the lower two-thirds of the face, including the jowls, mouth, and neck. The choice of facelift technique is customized to match your goals, skin condition, degree of laxity, lifestyle, age, and overall facial anatomy. Dr. Rao is a highly skilled and experienced surgeon who possesses a deep understanding of the intricate anatomy involved in facelift surgery. His primary goal is to achieve a beautiful, subtle, and natural appearance that enhances your confidence.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Facelift Surgery?

Both men and women experiencing signs of aging, such as sagging skin, lines, and wrinkles on the face, may consider a facelift. This procedure can target one or more areas, depending on your individual goals and desired outcome. Age alone does not determine the ideal timing for a facelift. Various factors and techniques are considered, depending on the patient’s unique cosmetic concerns.

Ideal facelift candidates should:

  • Be in good physical health
  • Refrain from smoking
  • Maintain realistic expectations about their results

Benefits of a Facelift

Over-the-counter treatments and home remedies can only provide limited relief from common signs of aging. For long-lasting and significant results, cosmetic surgery, such as a facelift, may be the ideal solution. Some key benefits of this popular procedure include:

  • A More Youthful Appearance: A facelift can turn back the clock, helping you look as young as you feel.
  • Boosted Confidence: Enjoy improved self-esteem in social situations and find greater satisfaction in various activities.
  • Long-Lasting Results: With proper care and a healthy lifestyle, the results of facelift surgery can endure for many years.

How Is Facelift Surgery Is Performed?

There are several facelift techniques to consider, each tailored to address specific concerns. While some facelifts focus on the upper face, others target the middle and lower regions. Additionally, the complexity of the procedure can vary. It’s not uncommon for patients to combine a facelift with other treatments, such as eyelid lifts, brow lifts, or the use of fillers and BOTOX, to enhance their final results. Here are some common facelift options:

  • Full Facelift: This comprehensive procedure typically involves incisions near the hairline that extend downward towards the temples and base of the ears. The surgery removes excess skin to provide a more youthful contour to the face and neck. The underlying SMAS tissue is tightened as well. Various techniques, such as blepharoplasty and neck lifts, can be combined with a full facelift.

  • Mid-Facelift: Similar to a mini lift, the mid-facelift targets the hollow and lax areas near the cheekbones and upper jaw. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to improve the lower two-thirds of the face, including the appearance of jowls.

  • Lower Facelift: This procedure focuses on the chin, neck, and jowls. In some cases, non-surgical options like Kybella injections may be used for chin fat reduction, achieving a more youthful and firmer-looking neck.

  • Mini Facelift: A mini facelift involves making small incisions around the ears to lift the skin to a higher position. This subtle procedure enhances the mouth, jawline, and jowls, resulting in natural-looking improvements.

What to Expect After Facelift Surgery

Following your facelift surgery in Tucson, AZ, you will be monitored before being released to go home with a responsible adult. Dr. Rao or a member of his team will schedule your follow-up appointments and provide instructions for a smooth recovery. You should anticipate some bruising, swelling, mild soreness, and discomfort, all of which can be managed with prescribed pain medication. In the weeks following surgery, you will notice a radiant appearance with fewer lines and sagging, ultimately leaving you feeling younger and rejuvenated.

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Commonly Asked Questions About Facelift Surgery

How much does a facelift cost?

The cost of a facelift varies depending on the chosen technique. Dr. Rao will create a personalized treatment plan during your consultation and discuss cost estimates. To achieve natural-looking results, it's essential to entrust your care to an experienced professional like board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rao. Additionally, Rao Plastic Surgery offers assistance in finding low-interest financing options to make your surgery affordable.

Which technique is best for me?

The ideal technique depends on your unique needs, goals, skin laxity, areas to be addressed, and other factors. During your consultation, Dr. Rao will discuss the various techniques and help you choose the one that suits your specific needs."

The Right Facelift For You

Fluctuations in weight or the natural aging process can lead to stretching of facial skin and muscles. A facelift procedure can effectively restore youthful firmness to the face, subsequently boosting self-confidence. Witnessing a younger-looking reflection in the mirror often transforms an individual’s entire perspective and has a profound impact on how youthful they feel. To delve deeper into the possibilities of rejuvenation and its transformative effects, we welcome you to connect with Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery in Tucson, AZ. Schedule your appointment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arun Rao to explore the tailored solutions available for your unique aesthetic goals and needs.
If you want a call to schedule a time - call us now at 520-900-1277 or schedule your appointment below