breast augmentation lift gallery

This woman is a 58 year old lady who had presented to our Tucson, Arizona office and was interested in a breast augmentation.
This is a 55 year old female who was interested in talking to Dr. Rao about a breast augmentation along with a mastopexy (lift).
This is a 60 year old female who had undergone previous breast augmentation 20 years prior to her consultation with Dr. Rao.
This is a 40 year old female with micromastia who was interested in a bilateral breast augmentation and was believed to be a great candidate for this
This 27-year-old woman arrived at Rao Plastic Surgery to discuss a breast augmentation. She was wearing B cup bras and was wanting to increase her
This is a 47 year old woman from Tucson,AZ that had come to Rao Plastic Surgery to discuss a breast augmentation and a lift.
This is a 51 year old mother of three that came to Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, Arizona to learn about a breast augmentation. She was a small C cup
This is a 31 year-old woman living in Tucson, AZ that came to our Rao Plastic Surgery office to find out more about getting a breast augmentation.
This 27-year-old woman arrived at Rao Plastic Surgery to discuss a breast augmentation. She was wearing B cup bras and was wanting to increase her
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