“What is a mommy makeover?” Is a question I am frequently asked by patients when they come into our Tucson, Arizona office.

“Mommy makeover” is a catch-all term that is frequently heard in the media without really getting an explanation of what procedures it actually entails.

A women’s body undergoes many changes during pregnancy and a mommy makeover seeks to address those changes that are difficult to overcome with exercise and diet alone. Typically a mommy makeover comprises a breast lift or breast augmentation, with a tummy tuck, and sometimes liposuction. A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, involves reshaping the breasts and adjusting the position of the nipples to give the breast a rounder, elevated, more youthful appearance. A breast augmentation can be combined with a breast lift in order to restore the volume loss that is common after pregnancy and breast feeding. While a tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, involves the removal of excess abdominal skin and fat and tightening of the abdominal muscles and the remaining skin. The muscle plication during a tummy tuck corrects the muscle weakness that results from pregnancy. Liposuction is often combined for additional contouring and sculpting of the stomach area.

The various procedures that compromise a mommy makeover can be done in one setting or can be staged depending on one’s preference. The recovery time for a mommy makeover depends on which procedures are done, but it is typically two weeks. The procedures are typically performed in an outpatient surgery center in Tucson, Arizona.

Women that undergo a mommy makeover can expect to have a slimmer waist and a firmer and flatter abdomen, as well as breasts that are more youthful in shape, position and profile. Proceeding with plastic surgery can help a woman to restore their confidence in their appearance after having children. Despite diet, exercise and hard work, some changes that occur after pregnancy can be very difficult to resolve on one’s own. Childbirth is a beautiful thing, but it takes a toll on the body and a mommy makeover can help in achieving a body that makes you feel beautiful.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

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